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We have all the news that’s fit to share today for you! Here’s a carefully curated set of leading headlines from major GS news sources and tips by the TownCrier team. Send news and tips in via the handy web form at: http://bit.ly/TownCrierNews – We archive previous news items here at our home web site: http://gstowncrier.com/

#TODAY in Elanthia: [4pm: QST Storyline (Premium)-FWI] (This newsfeed uses EST/EDT only.)

Black Hand Gambling is Saturday, July 13, at the Black Hand Warehouse, Dragonsclaw Road, Wehnimer’s Landing. Multiple games, and a chance to win something back from the rogues who take it all from you.

Here’s another tip from Snagg: You can buy dwarf-cut rubies which make excellent deed gems at the Northern Caravansary. Take them back home and fill in your deeds! Share your fav tips with us: http://gstowncrier.com/send-in-news/

Uh-oh! Per GM Ixix on Discord: if your fame has been corrupted, you’ll want to place an assist to have a GM fix it.
BELOW THE FOLD – As previously reported

GM Ixix made a few updates to the “Gifted Creatures” adventurers sometimes face. At his post: there is a list of new things relating to the critters, including that they will no longer pile up, and a reward of a long-term experience boost for defeating a pack, miniboss, and boss creature. Read it all at the officials: http://bit.ly/2Jgifiq

Use ;trigger to wait for some text (or regex) from the game then automatically run some command(s) or script(s) – ;repository info trigger

On Tuesday, July 9, at 8:30pm, Metalsmith Smiffy will make an appearance in Wehnimer’s Landing to add/remove spikes from armor and armor accessories. Look for him in the Cozy Shack in Wehnimer’s Landing.

Greth, barkeep at the popular Stumbling Pebble Bar II in Mist Harbor, held a gathering to catch folk up on the recent happenings as well as rumors of new, strange figures around town. Catch up on Chapter 1 of the Nazhor chronicles, with teasers of upcoming Chapter 2 for this amazing premium storyline that begins on Friday at 9pm, and continues Sunday at 4pm. http://bit.ly/308N8ej

Hey Jalodg! Here’s a big TownCrier congrats for reaching level 100! Capped – now what are you going to do?

Tuesday night in the Landing – A Problem Pyles Up. Pylasar rolled into town. Literally: he was in a purple barrel. He seemed to be lost in another time as he discussed Rachel (Raznel). Regaining his presence of mind, he fielded more questions about Raznel from Adventurers. The summary, highlights, and log from Miss Leafi are at the wiki: https://gswiki.play.net/Witchful_Thinking_-_5119-07-02_-_A_Problem_Pyles_Up

A new script was placed on the repository to help players attending KST called kstwatch.lic. This script is designed to capture all of Kenstrom’s monsterbold messages and dialogue, and echo them into the speech window. This should make it easier for players to follow along in the crowds. What a GREAT idea, thanks Claudaro! ;repository info kstwatch Bugfixes were updated Friday!

FashionCon 5119 is set for Friday, August 2nd, to Sunday, August 4th, and Lady Rohese puts the call out to other organizations who wish to participate! Save the date for this in-depth chance for exploring your roleplaying to the next degree this summer. https://gswiki.play.net/FashionCon_5119

Once More Unto the Bleak – Kenstrom Story Time (KST, which happens very late, after midnight Eastern) is back! Witchful Thinking is the name of this chapter, and it started out with a big plunge right into the Bleaklands on Saturday night. (BUY DEEDS) Catch up with a summary and log by Miss Leafi at the wiki: http://bit.ly/2xHOfpJ

**Upcoming Major Event Dates: [QST Premium Storyline begins in July] ** [SimuCon: July 10-14-St. Louis] ** [Faendryl Symposium: July 19-21] ** [FashionCon: Aug 2-4] ** [Duskruin: August] ** [Aug 14-22: Bardfest] ** [Aug 23-30: Windfellow’s Retreat, the Premium Festival]

The TownCrier Daily email is today’s new headlines in your email midday, every day. This will allow people who don’t use Lich to still read the news, so pass the free subscription link on to your friends: http://bit.ly/2ivAJfw – Also hear today’s events via Alexa, ‘Today in GemStone IV’ https://amzn.to/2GZJ6k1 and catch new headlines at Twitter: http://twitter.com/GemStoneIVNews


Newsby is the main anchor for the TownCrier channel over ESP and Lich. She does not adventure, she is a townsperson and completed her apprenticeship for the news desk in 2017.