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Wyrom Updates EMAIL Command

BIG BOSS Wyrom tells us that the EMAIL command has been updated with ALL the email addresses. Did you even know there was one, let alone how informative it is? I didn’t!

Category: Help for Players
Topic: Policy Discussions

Date: 03/31/2017 02:23 PM CDT
Subj: EMAIL Updates
The EMAIL verb in game has been updated to have a more consistent usage of our gsfeedback address, access and reactivation have been combined to billing, and office hours were updated to 11am to 6pm ET instead of 11am to 5pm ET. We’ve also dropped the 1 before the phone number, because 10-digit dialing is more widely accepted. If you’re in an area where 11-digit dialing is required, be sure to add the 1.

Wyrom, PM


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