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Prince Reassures Tears Everything is Normal

Teras, you’ve been hearing about the FIRE, DOOM, Eruptions, and stuff, right? Well, so has the Prince, who isn’t so full of gloom and doom. I wonder why? Official Statement:

Category: Towns
Topic: Kharam Dzu

Date: 02/24/2017 04:05 PM CST
From: GS4-LIIA
Subj: An official statement
A crier has been seen walking through town, reading from a scroll:

“Citizens of Kharam-Dzu! Your Prince is aware of the recent increase in seismic activity, and wishes it to be known that this is normal on a volcanic island. All citizens should calmly go about their normal activity, while being alert in case of falling rock, exploding lava, or other natural dangers!”

No mention was made regarding the strange blobs that have been seen in town, as well as in the volcanic wilds, but a shopkeeper was overheard saying, “Likely just a drunk halfling, passed out near the lava. They let anyone into Shorga’s nowadays.”


Dear My Favoritest Liia,
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height my barbie-loving soul can reach… (even when you set me on fire)


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