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Master Vintner Brezzik Receives Special New Stock

Word on the streets of Ta’Vaalor is that Master Vintner Brezzik has received a special stock that he deems truly worthy. A household staff member revealed, on condition of anonymity, “This may be of particular interest to those who share Master’s passion for winemaking.”

Category: Towns
Topic: Announcements

Date: 02/02/2018 09:51 PM CST
Subj: News from the Underground – Dateline Day of the Huntress 2nd of Fashanos
Master vintner Bezzik has hinted to a few of the more well connected within Vaalorian society that he has received some special stock for those he truly deems worthy. Word amongst the household staff of the nobility is that this may be of particular interest to those who share Bezzik’s passion for winemaking.


“Mother, should I trust the Government?”

This message was originally posted in Towns, Ta’Vaalor. To discuss the above, follow the link below.


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