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Great Auction Teaser 30 – Branch of Rowan Tree Home Summoning

GM Haliste previews a branch that brings a beautiful rowan tree to you, presumably for a Home, Sweet Home. This is Great Auction teaser #30, folks! So, I wonder how many people can I fit in that tree for a PARTY!?

Category: World Events, Festivals, and Storylines
Topic: The Great Auction of 5116

Date: 12/10/2016 02:55 PM CST
Subj: Home, Sweet Home
The adventurer traveled hurriedly, fighting off fierce beasts that materialized at every turn. Hands full of boxes, sacks full of treasure, and a full mind, what he needed was a rest–and perhaps a drink. A snack probably wouldn’t be bad, either.

“If only my house was here, I’d be home right now.”

>raise branch

A sudden burst of wind rushes through the area, and a ring of spectral sylvans manifest in a closed circle around you as they chant earnestly. One opens a golden pouch and gingerly empties its contents onto the ground as the chanting crescendos. Serpentine roots begin to sprout from tiny seeds scattered at your feet and within moments, a magnificent rowan tree rises from the ground.

The apparitions raise their hands in a display of reverence before slowly disappearing into thin air.

~ Haliste ~
The Forest Gnome of Silverwood Manor
ASGM, Events


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