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Grand Auction of 2016 Tentative Date and NO Info

It’s HAPPENING! BIG BOSS Wyrom posts that The Great Auction of 2016 has a tentative date: Dec 17th, early afternoon. Annd it’s going to be an old style Grand Auction!

Category: World Events, Festivals, and Storylines
Topic: The Great Auction of 5116

Date: 11/04/2016 01:41 PM CDT
Subj: Tentative Date(s)
I know many are chomping at the bit for some dates. We’re getting close to having things finalized, but I want people to have some time to plan. These dates are about 99.7% set in stone.

We’re looking at the weekend of December 17th and 18th. Auction would start in the early afternoon on the 17th. We’ll have a confirmation of these dates after November 15th at some point (definitely before Thanksgiving).

Wyrom, PM

Date: 11/04/2016 02:05 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
I can work with those dates.


Date: 11/04/2016 02:20 PM CDT
From: AGONY42
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
And for Plat?


Jorshan exclaims, “I want you to kiss that dwarf girl right on the mouth!”
Jorshan points at Omrii.
Volmir kisses Omrii tenderly.

Date: 11/04/2016 02:31 PM CDT
From: KAYB8
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
Plat? Auctions work best with more than three people there.

Date: 11/04/2016 02:40 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
Platinum would have the same dates.

One thing I will tell you is this auction will be like the old days. No information. No recycling through passed items. No detailed item list. We have a lot of staff making brand new items for this auction. I would say the majority of things are new scripts being coded strictly for this event, but we’ll probably add some classics/high demand items once we move into the final phase of preparation.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 11/04/2016 02:45 PM CDT
From: DOUG
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>>No information.

And suddenly, my interest is piqued. True Grand Auction style. Great!


Date: 11/04/2016 02:49 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
One auction win per account?

Date: 11/04/2016 02:51 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>>No detailed item list.

Will there be a general list in advance?

>>No recycling through passed items

Is that also true in plat? Alternately, if there’ll be some/many things differing, beyond obvious stuff referenced before, can we get an info post on the plat boards?

Also, what’s the word on how many things any given account can get? Is that one, or no?

Date: 11/04/2016 02:55 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)

Not sure if I would be in the minority here, but would it be horrible to move this to after the holiday season? We could still pretend it’s 4th quarter!

Date: 11/04/2016 03:16 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
<< No information. >>

There may have been no advance information on items at the old auctions, but most auctioneers provided information at the time the item was being auctioned. Some auctioneers gave a lot of information, and some just gave hints, and some didn’t give any info at all.

Remember the tragedy of the stomping boots? The winning bidder spent her life savings on what she reasonably assumed were boots that cast Quake or had some similar knock-down effect. She was wrong. They were just normal boots with the word “stomping” in the description. (Why did they put something like that in the auction, alongside items with wondrous abilities?) The moral of the story is don’t spend your life savings unless you know what you’re getting. Or maybe the moral is that auctioneers should give some information about the items being sold.

Date: 11/04/2016 03:16 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>One thing I will tell you is this auction will be like the old days. No information.

And this has me losing some interest. I hate spending even virtual money on things without knowing what they are/do. It’s sad to see the game regressing in this way.

Speaking in Faendryl, Jahosk says, “You will now be known as Blade Durakar, the Palestra.”

Date: 11/04/2016 03:25 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>Remember the tragedy of the stomping boots? The winning bidder spent her life savings on what she reasonably assumed were boots that cast Quake or had some similar knock-down effect. She was wrong. They were just normal boots with the word “stomping” in the description. (Why did they put something like that in the auction, alongside items with wondrous abilities?) The moral of the story is don’t spend your life savings unless you know what you’re getting. Or maybe the moral is that auctioneers should give some information about the items being sold.

This is the sort of issue that I dread seeing at an auction where no information is given. Actual information is needed to make informed decisions, I know had I spent my life savings on “stomping” boots that had been described in a manner where a reasonable person would assume them to have a Quake like ability only to find that they didn’t have any ability and were literally just “some stomping boots”, or something like that, I’d be extremely pissed off.

Speaking in Faendryl, Jahosk says, “You will now be known as Blade Durakar, the Palestra.”

Date: 11/04/2016 03:29 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
No information is a huge negative to me. I think that decision should be reconsidered.

If you want to drain the amount of silvers that this event has the potential to drain, we need to know what we’re getting for our silvers.

Date: 11/04/2016 03:31 PM CDT
From: DOUG
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
Two points, really quick:

The mystery of the game is retained better, this way – we’re not supposed to be portraying omnipotent arkati with the world’s knowledge at our disposal.

And, this is one of the ways GMs have to keep prices within potential lower-cost ranges. It is perhaps individually not ideal, and yes – any one of us could be taken for a snake-oil experience. But it also limits the decades’ past players from using their amassed coinage to their individual benefit. (note the word ‘limits’.)

Not ideal perhaps, but worthy of consideration, I’d warrant.


Date: 11/04/2016 03:31 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)

><< No information. >>

>There may have been no advance information on items at the old auctions, but most auctioneers provided information at the time the item was being auctioned. Some auctioneers gave a lot of information, and some just gave hints, and some didn’t give any info at all.

>Remember the tragedy of the stomping boots? The winning bidder spent her life savings on what she reasonably assumed were boots that cast Quake or had some similar knock-down effect. She was wrong. They were just normal boots with the word “stomping” in the description. (Why did they put something like that in the auction, alongside items with wondrous abilities?) The moral of the story is don’t spend your life savings unless you know what you’re getting. Or maybe the moral is that auctioneers should give some information about the items being sold.

I was thinking similar thoughts. In fact I remember winning a quake potion.

See I one a invisibility potion, meaning you drink it, and you turn invisible. It had 40 swigs, many items back then were refillable with white flasks, the auctioneer was noncommittal on this. I won it for a couple hundred K or something, I sold it to this guy for $1m, letting him know it was a gamble. He bought it, whipped out a white flask, and went to refill it. It exploded. He then went all over lower dragonsclaw forest casting quake in anger just to be mean. So turns out the potion really had the power to make other people cast quake.

You really want to upset someone? Trick them into spending a lot of money on something (and so long as I can sell silvers, they’re the same as money). Information and transparency are both in very high demand, and rightly so.

Date: 11/04/2016 03:43 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)

>No information is a huge negative to me. I think that decision should be reconsidered.

Also, by the way, this opens up GMs to charges of favoritism. Like whatsherface slipping Hillary debate questions in advance. If someone, lets call her Wynona, besties with Wyrom, bids on some poorly described dagger, and wins it only to discover you press a button and it turns into a self cast haste 4 slot fusion 10x t5 claidhmore. Well… people are going to think Wynona had inside information.

There was an altered on FWI last night who spun and someone who didn’t get spun got all angry and left in a huff because they thought the spinner was biased. You’ll get that multiplied by a hundred fold. There will be certain people who suspect any big lucky winners had inside information. It will sow resentment, distrust, and anger.

My kid’s school has this fundraiser with these things they call Jazzy Jars, which are mason jars filled with candy or toys or whatever, the parents donate the jars, the children buy them with tickets the parents also bought. Parents are paying on both ends, but whatever, its a fundraiser. My kids go to an expensive private school, there are some families in this school with 9 figure networths. Some of them go a little crazy on these jars. I heard there was one where they slipped a $50 itunes gift card inside surrounded by some sort of candy so it was hidden. I know why they did it, they wanted to give some random child a big surprise and make their day. I imagine you feel the same way, if you could sneak a really nice item through the gauntlet of Ardwens, Hoys, and Virilneuses, and make the day of someone who thought they’d only be able to afford something meh, well, that’d make you feel good. How happy you made that person….. but its not a school fundraiser. There are people who see that, and if no information is given, they will think something is up.

Date: 11/04/2016 03:46 PM CDT
From: KAYB8
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
NB4 “This event may not be for you…”

Date: 11/04/2016 03:50 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>The mystery of the game is retained better, this way – we’re not supposed to be portraying omnipotent arkati with the world’s knowledge at our disposal.

True, we do not portray that in game. However, OOCly we should be aware of what an item is capable of so we can make an informed decision on whether or not it would be something our character wants/can use. How this is brought in game by the character is up to the individual player, but nothing says they have to RP knowing the full extent of an item’s abilities.

>And, this is one of the ways GMs have to keep prices within potential lower-cost ranges. It is perhaps individually not ideal, and yes – any one of us could be taken for a snake-oil experience. But it also limits the decades’ past players from using their amassed coinage to their individual benefit. (note the word ‘limits’.)

I disagree here. It puts those who are willing to gamble on what something might be out in the forefront, and those with a deeper bank account have all the more that they would be willing to gamble with – much to the detriment of those without such. If an item’s properties were known ahead of time, then those large bank accounts may not want it and would refrain from bidding it up past the limits of smaller bank accounts.

Speaking in Faendryl, Jahosk says, “You will now be known as Blade Durakar, the Palestra.”

Date: 11/04/2016 03:57 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
I think limited to no information is exciting for exactly the reason that there could be some amazing items that go out for next to nothing. I hope we get only the most basic of information going into and perhaps even during the auctions on the items and how they function.

Date: 11/04/2016 04:01 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
I meant information prior to the auction. When the item is up for bidding, you’ll get some info. You’ll see a list the day of the auction. There is no budging on this. We’ll be teasing stuff though, don’t worry. Just not detailed properties of every item going into this auction.

>>And this has me losing some interest.

If you lose interest on this auction, I’m sure others will be happy that you bow out and give someone who does have interest a shot.

>>Is that also true in plat?

Platinum is not getting any special rules, you already have the advantage of items to accounts ratio.

>>Not sure if I would be in the minority here, but would it be horrible to move this to after the holiday season? We could still pretend it’s 4th quarter!

The dates are 99.7% set in stone.

>>If you want to drain the amount of silvers that this event has the potential to drain, we need to know what we’re getting for our silvers.

Nope. Don’t care.

>>Also, by the way, this opens up GMs to charges of favoritism.

No such thing as favoritism. I favor only myself. Deal with it. If you think I like a player more than this auction, you crazy!

All other information will be provided as we get closer to the auction.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 11/04/2016 04:14 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)

>No such thing as favoritism. I favor only myself. Deal with it. If you think I like a player more than this auction, you crazy!

Didn’t say you did, but there would be a perception. Like when the husband of someone under investigation meets with the investigator’s boss on an airport tarmac three days before a decision is made on the investigation. Even if nothing to do with the case was discussed, they should have been at least smart enough to realize how such behavior would look.

I’m an optimist and don’t think there is any relevant favoritism around to benefit individual players. But, I’m just saying, others will see that sort of thing and think that someone got inside information.

Date: 11/04/2016 04:15 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>I meant information prior to the auction. When the item is up for bidding, you’ll get some info. You’ll see a list the day of the auction. There is no budging on this. We’ll be teasing stuff though, don’t worry. Just not detailed properties of every item going into this auction.

That’s a different story. I’m okay with not having a list prior to the auction. That’s probably a good idea so that collusion and planning can be limited. I appreciate that information will be released at the auction. That was my issue with the no information bit.

What kind of information can we expect to be shared about items? Enchant? Weighting? Padding? TD bonus? Magic item abilities? Are we going to know why we should buy the item?

>The dates are 99.7% set in stone.

For what it matters, the dates are perfect for me.

>>If you want to drain the amount of silvers that this event has the potential to drain, we need to know what we’re getting for our silvers.

>Nope. Don’t care.

I am curious, what is the primary goal of the auction? Just to put out some nice things, drain silvers, something else?

Date: 11/04/2016 04:19 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>>I am curious, what is the primary goal of the auction? Just to put out some nice things, drain silvers, something else?

A nod to the 90s. To give out some badass items at straight-up silver costs. Bringing back that exciting feeling to own something truly unique.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 11/04/2016 04:20 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
How far Old School are you going?
– “Kelfour’s” old, where we were all in one room?
– “Just on the web” old, where it was broken up by level?


Are there going to be any “look-aheads”? In the second “made it to the web” (and possibly also the first, but hell, that was almost 20 years ago at this point, and they’re starting to run together) there was the item on the actual auction block that the auctioneer was dealing with, AND ALSO there were the next 2 or 3 items visible at the top of the stack (or pile, or list, or whatever) that would be dealt with next.
This was very useful, allowing someone with only a single account to go in and out of tents, do 2 “looks” to see the current item & the next few coming up, and then duck into the next tent. Then you could focus on anything you had any express interest in.


When the second “made it to the web” Auction went on, pretty much everyone bid on every thing, every time. (In the token tents.) Why not? You didn’t lose your token unless you won, and if you won… YOU WON! You got the item. Whether you could use it or not.

Will there be any kind of controls, like “if you bid on the previous item, you CANNOT bid on this one”? (This would have been really nice with the token tents, but if this is coins-only, it will at least keep the “noise” (of people who don’t really care about the item itself, they just want a–i.e. “any”–win) down.)

Date: 11/04/2016 04:20 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)

Going to miss out on this myself 🙁

Date: 11/04/2016 04:28 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>>Krakii’s post

It will be closer to the pre-web days. We’ll be split between all paid subscribers and Premium subscribers. We’ll likely be using the EG 2006/2009 mechanics for the auction, if you’re familiar with them.

We won’t ban people from bidding on items if they bid on one before, but I do believe you’ll need your silvers on you in silver form. This will be part of the “more information” post when we have it finalized.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 11/04/2016 04:43 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>We’ll likely be using the EG 2006/2009 mechanics for the auction, if you’re familiar with them.

These mechanics worked only because there was a token option and because there was a straight up guaranteed 1 item per 1 ticket attendee allocation.

>We won’t ban people from bidding on items if they bid on one before

This is disappointing, particularly in the Premium tent, particularly when there won’t even be enough items to fulfill demand.

Date: 11/04/2016 04:46 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>>These mechanics worked only because there was a token option and because there was a straight up guaranteed 1 item per 1 ticket attendee allocation.

You’re not thinking of the mechanics in the same regard. I’m talking about how it works on the GM side. How items are loaded into a hopper and you can see a few items up next. The placard to show the items left. That sort of stuff. The older auctions had a specific auction blurb on each item that the GM couldn’t embellish on. It was once, twice, sold.

>>This is disappointing, particularly in the Premium tent, particularly when there won’t even be enough items to fulfill demand.

So you’d rather be banned if you bid on something. Bidding does not mean winning. So if you bid, lose, you don’t get to bid again. That’s what Krakii was asking.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 11/04/2016 05:01 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
I think he meant not bidding on an item if you bid on the item before the current item.

Not bid, win/lose, can’t bid again rest of auction but instead a one or x number of items timeout instead?

Date: 11/04/2016 05:16 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
Correct. The old auction mechanics had a “noise control” that didn’t allow you to bid often. So when you bid, you essentially were bidding to win. No bidding to just up a bid, or bidding on things you realized you had no intention of winning (this usually happenings with opening bids when they are low). Krakii also mentions without a token, the noise won’t be as off the wall.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 11/04/2016 05:29 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
Btw, I’ll mention I haven’t seen much feedback yet from posters that have complained in the past about the lack of free events and the monetizing of Gemstone events.

This seems like a generous silver only drain event that could easily have gone for RtCf/CCF level ticket prices. This would have excluded many by price and/or availability.

A bold choice on the distribution of these auction items! I think you should get props for ignoring a likely revenue bonanaza for a larger inclusive subscription event.

Date: 11/04/2016 06:31 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
We’ll have events that draw revenue. This is something special. Something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. It’s happening.

Wyrom, PM

Date: 11/04/2016 06:57 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)

Date: 11/04/2016 06:59 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
One more thing I am curious about. Will everything sold be a fancy item of itself, or might there also be certificates to add super fancy new magics to existing things?

Date: 11/04/2016 07:25 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
Roblar has the right of it: bid on this item, be prevented from bidding for the next (one? two?) items.

I have NO problems with bidding wars. The 1995 HSN Auction, Thalior and Hexxon were going back and forth over a “defensive necklace”, it got well over a million silvers.
(For comparison, getting my armor Enchanted to 8x cost only 650k.)

Nobody else was in the bidding after just a few minutes, but the two of them went back and forth for a while.


Now, I also have no problems with what it sounds like Wyrom is describing, essentially a silent auction. Each person inputs their bid (once), the system tells the GM Auctioneer “this one is high, from Soandso”, the Auction announces, “Soandso wins, with a bid of X!”

There’s no back and forth, but everyone gets a chance to bid what they want. (Once.) Maybe there’s a bargain going out, if no-one bids too much on the kroderine claihdmore, figuring that Deep Pockets will bid it high, while Deep Pockets says, to heck with it because he’ll never recoup that much on a sale later.

But for the five minutes the bidding is open, people can decide on how much they want to spend.

Date: 11/04/2016 07:29 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
Let’s have a real auction. With public bids.

Let people go for broke.

No silly business about being locked out from the next item if you lose the bid on a previous item.

Date: 11/04/2016 07:32 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
<< You’re not thinking of the mechanics in the same regard. I’m talking about how it works on the GM side. How items are loaded into a hopper and you can see a few items up next. The placard to show the items left. That sort of stuff. >>

I hope that there will be a sign in each tent showing the current and next two items up for bid in the other tent. The signs reduce the need for players constantly to move from room to room.

<< We won’t ban people from bidding on items if they bid on one before, but I do believe you’ll need your silvers on you in silver form. This will be part of the “more information” post when we have it finalized. >>

Just don’t make the mistake of sitting.

Date: 11/04/2016 11:35 PM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
Oh no, it won’t be silent this time. It will use the same BID mechanic as the “silvers” room at EG 2006/2009 (unless someone whips something else up before December).

Wyrom, PM

Date: 11/05/2016 08:16 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
This sounds like a lot of fun as I really enjoyed the earlier auctions. I like having the items described by the GMs as you go vs. having a complete detailed list prior to the event. It adds to the excitement of the event!

— Robert

A powerful whirlpool is suddenly overtaken by a windy vortex!

Date: 11/05/2016 08:43 AM CDT
Subj: Re: Tentative Date(s)
>>Not sure if I would be in the minority here, but would it be horrible to move this to after the holiday season? We could still pretend it’s 4th quarter!

I’d also be hugely in favor of this, as I have inventory at work on exactly those two days… SIGH.

— Wheels & Skulls Department

“Bring me your suffering. The rattle roar of broken bones. Bring me the riot in your heart… Angry, wild, and raw. I am not afraid of the dark.” — mia hollow
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